How you pack is how you do everything

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
2 min readOct 19, 2020

I can proudly say that I have rarely if ever found myself out of town having forgotten to bring something that I might need for the trip. The reason is simply this- when packing I think of my day from start to finish- I think of the exact chronology of things I do in a single day or would be doing in a day on said trip.

This is what parts of this process would look like:

- I wake up and brush and drink water and use the loo. Based on where I am going, this would mean bring a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, tongue cleaner, and my travel bottle

- Then I wash my face and change into workout clothes if I am doing yoga that day- so now I pack my facewash, any face products I use, workout clothes, yoga mat, a small face towel (and I am already packing the travel bottle)

- I then have a quick breakfast and I have become lactose intolerant so based on where I am going I might need to pack lactose free milk and say, cereal or some tea bags, etc.

- At night, I use my eye drops, read a book, and sleep- so I need my eye drops, books I intend to read on this trip, night clothes (x number of fresh sets I would need on a trip like this)

Using this thought process, I go through my entire day and write or layout on the bed all the things I need to perform these activities. After this I quickly think of the specials- am I going to need a nice dress on this trip for a dinner? Is there a swimming pool that I will be able to access? Precautionary meds? What tasks will I have to take care of before or during the trip to ensure a functioning home upon return?

And once all of this is done, I put everything neatly in my bag. If I am packing, the night before and I need to use something (eg. phone charger) the next morning before leaving, I make a note of that and keep it on or near my phone. It takes me very little time to do this but I don’t miss anything. And I think the reason is the system- thinking through every aspect of my entire day step by step.

I also use this system to organize my thoughts, make decisions on important things, plan parties or events, cook, read, etc. Thinking step by step from start to finish- it takes a little practice but once you get good at looking through cracks and learn to avoid duplication, this system will be your friend for life.

