Report the bug

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
1 min readSep 30, 2019

When you are using a mobile app and it crashes, you might have seen that you get an option to report the bug.

I am guessing sometimes you are able to identify the issue and report it. At other times though, you are busy and you know that there are other people facing the same issue. And someone will report the bug. It will get fixed whether or not you report it. And if they don’t fix it, you can always blame the app developers and complain about how it is a frustrating piece of software or just switch to a similar app. End of story!

However, what happens when you are the only user. And the app in question is your relationship with your partner, friend, parent, child, boss or employee. And here too, you don’t take the time to isolate and report the bug. Doesn’t the one small issue- which in more cases than not can be easily fixed- start to make the entire relationship intolerable?

If you choose not to report the bug and feel victimized about how people are insensitive or don’t understand you and yada yada yada, is it really their fault?

Doesn’t reporting the bug suddenly become a lot more important now? Expecting situations or how people treat you to change without reporting the bug is similar to expecting a unicorn at your birthday party. It’s not going to happen.

