Sorry for the inconvenience

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
1 min readDec 19, 2016

​Almost everybody we interact with have habits that cause us inconvenience, or at least annoyance at some point. The impact of each is different based on how closely we know the person and how much they influence our lives.

Not dealing with this inconvenience in the right way can nip a possibly great relationship in the bud or cause problems in an existing one. And yes, if we are the ones negatively impacted the burden of action lies on us.

Most people are guided by habits that are formed over many years and there are often reasons for which they exist. An effort to understand these behavioral patterns help us approach the habit better and often cease to bother us as much.

Of course the effort needs to be balanced by the number of interactions we are likely to have with the person in question and how highly we value the relationship. It may not make sense to delve into the habits of your milkman but it sure does help to give more thought on why your colleagues or siblings behave the way they do.

