The bottle green sweater vest

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
2 min readApr 26, 2021

I have a very distinct memory from childhood that I haven’t shared with anyone before. I am unclear exactly how old I was when this incident occurred but I couldn’t be more than 5 years of age.

The whole family was out for a movie. It was a night show and it had to be in the middle of winter in Calcutta. (The truth is that I only remember a distinct scene from this night but I have been able to piece the rest together through context) I was probably getting cranky as children do and I was taken out of the hall by my dad to investigate the cause of said crankiness. This wasn’t a multiplex like the ones we’re used to today. It was a standalone movie hall and I remember noticing that there was no one else out there. I get this sense that the snacks counter was non-operational. Maybe it was not a movie hall at all; maybe we were at a play. (Now remember this would be somewhere before 1993 so people weren’t really into leaving their kids at home with nannies while they went out) Anyway, Papa observed that I was sweating and he helped me by removing a few layers of warm clothing.

Now we are getting to the part that I clearly remember- I don’t know how many layers I was under but I remember that he got to a bottle green sweater vest and said very lovingly (in Gujarati)- obviously my little baby is cranky. This sweater is way too hot for this weather, he murmured to himself and to me. However, I always imagine that he was saying it to keep me engaged- just how I talk lovingly as I brush/pet Eleven and Smokey- our wonderful cat babies. As he said this I remember feeling his love and tender care filling up the deepest crevices of my heart.

It was a simple act of love that all parents do for their kids thousands of times. For some reason though something about this incident left a very large impression on me. So much so that I can say with 100% guarantee that this exchange was the reason why the colour bottle green has come to be one of my favourites to this day.

I often think about this incident and had thought that one day I will share this story with dad and thank him for the love and care he gave me that night. I seemingly lost that opportunity three Mondays ago when he suddenly passed away. I have since wondered if he remembered this because for him it would have been one of many things he would have done for one of his 3 kids. But as I write this musing to honor this memory I have with him I know that he knows- maybe not about the bottle green sweater vest- but he does know that he had a very large impact on me and in helping me become who I am today. And that I feel proud and grateful to have had the opportunity to be his daughter.

Love & Light.

