Watch your Step

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
1 min readDec 2, 2016

Anyone who has ever seen the TV Show Masterchef knows the importance of time management. Even if you haven’t, you definitely have had days when there is a lot to do and too little time to do it in.

The best way to deal with such days is to take some time out to break down tasks into steps. You do not need to do all the steps in a task in one go. You can rearrange them, club them and play around with them so that you are able to do the most with your time.

Going back to the cooking analogy- you don’t wait for the pasta to boil before you start on your sauce, do you? You do things simultaneously. Sometimes both need more boil, so you go set the dinner table or even wash up since you started working on the pasta as soon as you got home from work.

Just thinking a little about how to manage the steps in a task helps you manage time better and also makes the task less daunting.

