What is the right way anyway?

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
1 min readNov 29, 2016

All my life the first thing I have done every morning is brush my teeth. That’s the only way I have known and understood brushing. Doing absolutely anything else was strange to me. In fact, I never considered the possibility of a second option.

Of course there are other options, I have friends who brush right before breakfast or those who brush right after it to be more efficient. At first this was just bizarre to me.

But then I realized it’s not bizarre, it’s just different.

In life there are many things that we do in a set way. And are only too eager to dismiss ideas that don’t coincide with the way we live our lives.

These different ways must be tested. Maybe they are more efficient systems. Maybe there is something new we will learn and adopt.

