Check Out Monday/Tuesday

Meri Krueger
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2023

Medium’s Artsy Publication Monday/Tuesday Has Something for YOU!

Image by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash

The Medium publication Monday/Tuesday is focused on art, music, philosophical thought, language, travel, fashion and human flourishing.

Why Music? Why Art? Why Language….?

Monday/Tuesday features essays and articles on Music, Art, Language, and Flourishing. Why this grouping? A closer look at each topic reveals the connections they share:

  1. Language — Language is the essence of culture, and the apparatus by which culture is transmitted. Language allows us to communicate cognitive machinations that include logic, imagination, reason, and conditional thinking. Languages represent living, intricate, highly-structured systems that evolve over centuries. Language is among the most vital components of human connection.
  2. Travel — A favorite undertaking of people across cultures, age, background, and socio-economic strata, travel challenges, expands, teaches, and builds relationships. Travel meets our basic human interest in partaking of the unfamiliar. Travel allows for rest, relaxation, and reacquaintance with history, geography, tradition, and ways of being. Like language, travel amplifies and connects.
  3. Major Philsophical Contributions (aka Big Ideas) — Add the Greek word “philo” (love), to the Greek “sophy” (wisdom). The result is philosophy (philo+sophy), or love of wisdom. Philosophy is the study of logic, reason, language structure, ethics, and the way human beings experience and position themselves in the world. Philosophy connects people across centuries and continents as they ponder life’s biggest questions. What is truth? How does knowledge differ from belief? How should we live? Is the soul immortal? What is right, what is wrong, and what is justice? Philosophy teaches critical thinking, logic-based argumentation, and dissection of age-old questions. Philosophy is a foundational discipline that spans cultures, religion, borders, and time.
  4. Art/Creative Endeavor — Humanity is here to do more than just survive. We require food, water, shelter, and oxygen to keep our bodies operational, but we require art to live. We are built to labor-over, conjur, craft, and create that which didn’t exist before. Do we need to part our hair, wear jewelry, match our socks, arrange furniture in pleasing ways, adorn our walls, or add music to weddings, funerals, parades, and nightclubs to physically survive? No. We’re not here to merely survive however. We’re here for more. Monday/Tuesday will dedicate space and time to Art because Art is in the echelon of the handful of things that make life worth living. Art is a must have, a must do. A must.
  5. Human Flourishing — While it’s tempting to anchor ourselves in our comfort zone, human beings are build to leave the nest, transcend who and what and where they are. It is of highest importance that we leave the familiar, enter and move through friction and failure and the messiness of learning, to Growth. Why? Because human beings are built flourish, to self-actualize. Research psychologist Abraham Maslow made a groundbreaking contribution when he documented and published work on the foundational human need to self-actualize. Monday/Tuesday will publish essays and articles that inspire and encourage the innate drive to flourish described by Maslow. MondayTuesday will encourage self-actualization as it is vital to us all.

Monday/Tuesday is small but growing. Thanks for reading and thanks for being part of the Monday/Tuesday community!



Meri Krueger

Speaker, Writer, Executive Coach. I write about Leadership, Wellness, Process, Craft & Caring. Thanks for reading!