Chart Your Course

Meri Krueger
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2024

The Importance of Crafting Your Personal Vision

Image by Randy Tarampi from Unsplash

Don’t have a vision for yourself? That’s a mistake.

There is nothing more PRACTICAL than forming and looking to the positive vision you’ve set for yourself. Formulating a vision is not some pie-in-the-sky exercise. It’s not just something that’s nice to contemplate. Vision is a pragmatic MUST-HAVE that’s good for you.

Setting vision is important as it provides direction, purpose, and motivation, come what may. Key reasons why setting personal vision is crucial:

  1. Direction. Our personal vision serves as a roadmap that guides decisions and priorities.
  2. Motivation. Clear vision is a powerful motivator that helps us stay committed to our goals.
  3. Goal Setting. Vision helps break down larger objectives into more manageable tasks.
  4. Decision-Making. Clarity reduces indecision and minimizes distraction.
  5. Personal Growth. Vision pushes individuals beyond their comfort zones. It motivates us to acquire new skills, to learn, and overcome obstacles.
  6. Resilience. Individuals with a clear vision are more likely to bounce back, learn from mistakes, and continue working toward their goals.
Photo by Natalia Blauth from Unsplash+

Positive personal vision provides motivation and clarity. It acts as a guiding force that shapes decisions, behaviors, priorities, and well-being. Without vision, where you’re going and who you’ll be is up to someone else. We’re chaotic and fragmented without vision. We may be without hope, and can be stopped by the smallest off-hand comment or obstacle. Without vision, you are without forward motion, without enthusiasm. You are a house divided against yourself, and that’s not what you’re called to be.

Human beings are story-telling, meaning-making machines.

So let’s make meaning. The time is now.

Figure out what you want and who you’ll be. Want more time to exercise? A new role at work? An article published this year? How do you want to move through and be in the world? All of these things are to be decided and acted on. Let’s strive. Let’s drive and create. We are makers. We’re built to decide and DO.

So what’s your vision for yourself? The time is now friends. Let’s go!

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Originally published at on February 11, 2024.



Meri Krueger

Speaker, Writer, Executive Coach. I write about Leadership, Wellness, Process, Craft & Caring. Thanks for reading!