Elevate Your Game & Growth

Meri Krueger
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2024

Two Can’t-Miss Steps: Decide — Then Move On

Photo by Getty Images via Unsplash+

Want to up your game and growth regardless of career-stage or industry? The ability to make timely decisions and move on is a true MARKER OF SUCCESS. You and I don’t need months and every last drop of information to decide. It’s draining and holds people, and YOU, down.

Common reasons people struggle to make decisions:

  1. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice
  2. Overanalyzing / Overthinking
  3. Hesitant to Commit
  4. Risk-Averse
  5. External Pressures from Peers, Family, Society
  6. Perfectionism / Impossible standards
  7. Low Self-Esteem / Low Confidence
  8. Decision Fatigue

Indecision is a no-win place to be in terms of time and opportunity. People routinely put decisions off. The most-often-cited reasons are “Don’t have the money” and “Need more time.”

The real reasons are tougher — they don’t believe they or their ideas are worth investment. They fear risk. Often most strong? They fear the reactions and opinions of other people. Not making a decision is a decision of course — NOT deciding is going with stay-put, status-quo, and wheel-spinning.

What to do? Start small & practice daily.

Say yes to small actions and opportunities that are good for you, your family and career, your company and the vision you hold for yourself.

Say no to nearly everything else. Decisive people are less rushed, more self-assured, and create more spacious mindsets and runways for themselves. Good luck, start small, and get started.

Build Presence, Influence, and Contribution at www.merikrueger.com. Thanks for reading!

Originally published at https://www.merikrueger.com on January 29, 2024.



Meri Krueger

Speaker, Writer, Executive Coach. I write about Leadership, Wellness, Process, Craft & Caring. Thanks for reading!