The Business of Transformation

Meri Krueger
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2024

Your Product, Your Service, Your Art, & the Possibility of Change

Image by Alfred Schrock from Unsplash

What makes something or someone compelling? REMARKABILITY.

Remarkability makes people, companies, and brands worthy of notice, worthy of being remarked-upon and considered. Remarkability begins with defining who and what you serve.

There are two primary paths to Remarkability in business:

PATH 1: Being Best in the World for the people who matter to your business

PATH 2: Having rationale for people talking about you. Reasons people talk about products, brands, and services include Hipste-Value, Unique/Unfair Advantage, and Magic Pill Remarkability. They also include Ethics Remarkability and Taste & Design Remarkability.

If your business, brand, or personal brand isn’t hitting one of these, it may be time to decide in what way you’ll be remarkable. What value will you tap into that people want to talk about? If your business helps people simplify or save a bit of time, it’s not going to be so remarkable. If your service moves people toward self-actualization, taps into Identity and changes the way they SEE themselves, you could be on your way to Remarkable. Small, Measured, Meticulous, and Quality give you a story to tell, a movement to create around, and scaffolding from which to message what matters and what you do that separates you from the commodity players that are all around.

Your business, your product, your service, your art — it should make a change happen for the customer — for the person who purchases or invests in you. Your service should help them become somebody ELSE. And when that happens, remarkability gets baked into everything you do.

You want to be in the business of TRANSFORMATION, and you CAN be in the business of transformation whether you’re a CTO, an Accountant, a Teacher, Doctor, Artist, Engineer, a Writer — you name it. The opportunity is yours to seize. It’s up to you.

Whether your company builds the most sophisticated AI platforms or makes burgers, be quality, ethics, and story-to-tell focused. Be Remarkable!

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Originally published at on March 11, 2024.



Meri Krueger

Speaker, Writer, Executive Coach. I write about Leadership, Wellness, Process, Craft & Caring. Thanks for reading!