Are we bound by our sense?

Kedar Nimkar
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2016

Short answer
Yes. 100% true. This is the most recent realisation. In fact yesterday I was completely convinced!

Long answer
I was detected with hearing loss almost 2 years back. This is hereditary. Almost everyone in my maternal side has a hearing problem and it starts around the age of 30 to 35 and which continues till we die. First I couldn’t believe it and then was not ready to accept it. Later I did an audiogram test and got to know I have around 50% loss in lower frequencies and 20% loss in higher frequencies. The doctor suggested to get a hearing aid asap to reduce the loss and avoid other complications like, lack of confidence, stress, public speaking and stuff.

After annoying few close friends, colleagues & family and procrastinating my decision to buy an aid for almost 2 years, I finally bought it.


And oh boy! The world sounds really different. I had totally forgotten how ceiling fan sounds, keyboard & mouse clicking, footsteps, close friends whispering in an awkward situation, my low frequency farts, petrol engine roaring after a gentle push, distant voice which called me (literally) and thousands of such small sounds. I had forgotten them to such an extent that I didn’t knew they exist. I was conditioned by my hearing sense that there are certain sound theoretically but in practise they don’t exist.

The trick to learn them is to accept and the keep practising till they become part of my life again. My voice after wearing the aid becomes soft and low since I am able to hear myself more clearly.

I wish everyone in the world who have hearing disability or loss should get a pair of hearing aid and they should be cheap. Mine costed a bomb. :)

I would like to conclude by sharing a link where Swami Vivekananda explains; How we (humans) are bound by our sense and ego. If we can’t understand it, which means if our sense are unable to comprehend any phenomenon we refuse to accept it. I guess my perspective has changed. What do you think?

