Bounty Program — Important update!

Mosaic Networks
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2018

Recently we’ve launched the Dev Bounty Program for mobile developers. Learn more!

We want to say Thank you to all the participants of our bounty program. We have received more than 450 works and we think that it is enough number to re-evaluate a current status of the program. From this day forward we want to concentrate our efforts on technical development of the MONET ecosystem, so we stop receiving works the main goal of which is marketing promotion of the project (general reviews, articles, graphics, etc). We continue accept works that are related to the technical development of the project: deep technical reviews and analytics of the project, explanation of the code, technical evaluation of the roadmap and so on. However, we accept works only if we see good technical understanding of the MONET, deep analysis and critical thinking about different aspects the project.

We’ve prepared a small FAQ section about the current status of the bounty program. Hope, it’ll provide you with answers to the most common questions.

Small FAQ Section for our participants

Why do you change the rules of the bounty program?

As we’ve mentioned before, our main goal is to develop a technical ecosystem of MONET. Unfortunately, current conditions of the bounty program incentivizes to send general articles rather than deep technical works. It’s the main reason for these changes.

Where can I see examples of the good technical reviews you accept?

Here’s some great review examples on Jepsen:

Where can I check the status of my work?

We have evaluated received works in this spreadsheet. Please, check it. Some of the works weren’t evaluated yet. If you don’t see your work, please be patient, it should appear after the evaluation is completed.

How do you evaluate received works?

Every work receives grade from 1 to 5. Explanation of each grade you can find in our spreadsheet. We pay for works with grade 3 or above. To avoid subjective evaluation, each work are independently verified by 2 members of our team. It increases the verification time, but allows us to more accurately assess the quality of work. We understand that our evaluation decisions may not meet the expectations of some participants, but these decisions are final.

We try to reward only good quality works and ask you to treat with understanding to our position.

When do you plan to pay for approved works?

We’ll pay for each work after conducting a pre-sell, that should be held soon. Unfortunately, we can’t tell the exact day because of the vague market conditions. We’ll announce about the payment in our telegram channel.

I have a question..

Please feel free to ask any question to admins in our telegram channel. We’ll be happy to assist you.

