Monetization Playbook #80 — Society is indeed a contract

Are you reciprocating as much as you should?

Gary Bailey
The University of Monetization


Reciprocity, that’s what we need!

Society is indeed a contract.

-Edmund Burke [ 1729–1797 ]

In everyday life, we all form social contracts. The bus stop queue, assembly line ups, wedding seating — all denote a learned behaviour — a social contract.

Contracts exist at work too. But the legal form bears scant relation to the cultural contract that binds practice, performance, and most importantly,


How does reciprocity factor into a business?

Clients are far more likely to become customers again if they feel like you gave them a great experience. Trust and getting people to like you is the currency of the internet age.

99:1 is a rule the best obey. Give 99% for 1% back. Seems crazy, right?

But that’s the mantra of the modern Ideapreneur. They follow a well-lit path:

They work to be deserving of trust

Share value with their community

Actively look for opportunities to give back

Understand the importance of reciprocity

Most importantly, they invite us into their homes, their lives, their struggles.

The contract of reciprocity is the most valuable skill taught on the internet today.

Originally published at on March 26, 2021.



Gary Bailey
The University of Monetization

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