Why did you put your hand in the bear’s mouth?

The joy of children

Gary Bailey
The University of Monetization


This is part of the series…can you really make a million dollars online. The thesis is simple. Can you make it big online by following the advice, models, and frameworks used by the best entrepreneurs, indie hackers, and ideapreneurs?

Overview: the good, the bad, the not so ugly!

The good; stuck to my cadence of publishing 5 short blogs per day to the website. I have created around 190 monetization playbooks––short sharp illustrated [well, using icons] informational pieces. So now need to convert them to blogs on the site. 🙌 . 30 done––140 to go.

The bad; shiny object syndrome came a-calling. I’m now signed up for more newsletters than I care to mention. From Pomp to the Hustle, Enterprise IT weekly to MicroSaas. Great quality content — one and all––but I may be reaching content overload. As my inbox groans like the overladen oxen…opportunity springs to mind. If I’m at content entropy––maybe others are too. Long-form content is great––but maybe, just maybe––short form is the blue ocean!!

The not so ugly; Half-term [school holidays — yes again!]. I’ve been imbibing on the wisdom of Bruce Lee. Be like water. Build Muscle. Draw inspiration pain!

Have you ever watched children argue over the right to use fictitious pokemon characters! Crazy. I suppose it’s like arguing about the resting position of an office hole-punch…wait a minute––I’ve done



Gary Bailey
The University of Monetization

Uncover hidden monetization secrets for Finance leaders, Solopreneurs, Small Businesses & Startups. www.strat-e-gym.com