Annoucing the Admix Academy

Samuel Huber
Monetizing tomorrow
2 min readJun 5, 2018

Building a great VR app is hard, but building a successful company is a lot harder.

In fact, while there are countless technical courses and resources to build great VR products, there are very little training on how to market a VR/AR app successfully.

At Admix, we believe it is our responsibility to help push the industry forward. From the very beginning, we have always wanted to build more than an advertising company.

Because the truth is — no developer is passionate about advertising. They see it at a necessary evil. Ask them what they wish for, and they’ll tell you they want more users — not ad revenue. But most developers lack marketing training, and are stuck.

So we want to help them.

Today, we are making a great step in that direction, by announcing the Admix Academy, a group aiming to empower the VR/AR pioneers to become successful.

As a first step, we are starting a Facebook group where we will share free resources to help developers build their VR/AR startups. We have opened the gates last week and are already 600 VR/AR founders strong!

Next, we will deliver events, classes and workshops across the worldwide, to help entrepreneurs get started with VR/AR, on topics such as user acquisition, branding, monetisation, growth hacking, PR, talent sourcing, product launches, partnerships, and mentoring.

The Academy intends to provide a complete ecosystem of tools and resources for the VR/AR leaders of tomorrow. Over the next 3 years, we aim to impact over 500,000 VR/AR founders / entrepreneurs / developers.

So we can’t do this alone.

We’re excited to announce 4 launch partners, helping us spread our VR/AR resources to their audience 🔥

  • The Realities Centre, most active VR/AR event organiser in the UK, providing corporate trainings, hackatons, coworking spaces and more.
  • ABC Business Academy is delivering world-class entrepreneur courses, helping build future CEOs.
  • JobsinXR is the leading talent sourcing site aimed exclusively at VR/AR, with over 3,000 job listings, giving our community of developers access to talent and jobs.
  • MRARVR is India’s largest VR/AR community, providing Unity training for over 5,000 students, and now expanding to the UK and US.

▶️ If you are a VR/AR developer: join our Facebook group for free VR/AR resources.

▶️ If you are running a VR/AR event or community, or if you have a cool product aimed at VR/AR developers, get in touch or comment below to become a partner.

This is just the beginning.

Let’s build this ecosystem together 🌍

