From Virtual Reality to Mixed Reality — and everything in between

Samuel Huber
Monetizing tomorrow
2 min readMar 6, 2018

I have made no secret about being very bullish on the long term potential of Mixed Reality and how I believe that it will become the new interface to interact with content, progressively taking our attention away from our smartphones and laptops. I believe that over the next decade, millions of people will wear smart glasses on a daily basis, and evolve in a 3 dimensional web called the Metaverse.

Some people like to segment Virtual Reality vs Augmented reality vs Mixed reality — we don’t. They are all immersive technologies — an interface where the screen doesn’t exist. It’s all the same media, with different level of immersion. Digital content is mixed with reality, in different proportions. In effect, it’s all mixed reality — as Microsoft cleverly introduced their range of headsets.

At, our vision since day one had been to develop tools to monetize immersive technologies as a whole — whether it is VR or AR or MR. We feel like our name doesn’t convey that very well — a lot of people we talk to, associate ‘Advir’ with virtual reality only.

As we approach critical milestones in our development, and release of an AR solution, we decided that now is the best time for a rebrand that really conveys the breadth of our vision.

As a result, Advir will soon be called ADMIX — encompassing all of mixed reality. The vision and product haven’t changed, but our name reflects our ambition to aim higher than just VR. We are monetising a future where boundaries between content and reality disappear.

Over the next few days, we will therefore migrate our domain to our new name but don’t get alarmed — it’s business as usual.

More to come — hope you like it!

I am the founder of, the first monetisation platform for immersive technologies. Besides VR/AR/MR and adtech, I talk about behaviour changes, the metaverse, and building the future. To stay in touch with me, follow me on Twitter @samhuber or checkout my personal website

