Increase CLTV by +25% — Monetizr Q1, 2019 news

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2019

In Q1, 2019 Monetizr launched 1 million credits for game developers to start rewarding players with meaningful rewards. We published a client case study — their in-game CLTV increased by 25%. Made onboarding process easy — all documentation in

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💰 Alongside GDC 2019 we launched 1 million Monetizr credits for you to reward players with own game collectibles. More info here. You can get the most credits by meeting us in events.

See our client case study with conversion rate increased to 10.6% and CLTV by 25% if you have any doubts about Monetizr being effective in your game. Blackbox uses our API integration. As players progress in Ryan’s very scream-from-frustration game, they unlock Blackbox game collectibles making their wins so much sweeter. No need for ads in this game.

📜 is now public. It’s a place for all tech onboarding documentation — game reward engine integration guides (Unity, iOS, Android, API), how it works and other useful links in one place. Would love your feedback on what’s good and what should be improved. Just hit the “Reply” and let us know!

Easter 🥚 hunt is still on. Monetizr homepage has been updated with current info and many design Easter eggs. If you can find 15 of them let us also know which ones you found.

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Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers