#4 FAQs solved. Popular operational questions answered

Gita from Monetizr
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2020

How is manufacturing and product fulfillment organized and who does what?

Cost and quality are essential, but every game studio has a different understanding of costs and demand for quality. There are also some misconceptions and interpretations of the best strategies. Please read this article about our process.

If we talk about the same question, here is an in-depth comparison of on-demand manufacturing and bulk manufacturing. Our advice would be — let’s start with on-demand to test the waters. And quickly move to small bulk. From there we would do the management further on.

For more in-depth questions, reach out to sales[at]themonetizr[dot]com.



Gita from Monetizr
Writer for

Customer Success Superhero at Monetizr: Platform to Sell Game Gear from Inside the Game’s UI.