5 Ideas to Increase Game Revenue During the Holiday Season

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2018

In the USA, 1/3 of yearly revenue for companies comes during the holiday season. Are you ready for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas? Check out 5 ideas on how to stand out, reach as many gamers as possible and — of course — make the best out of the holiday season with increased revenue.

#1 Revenue increase before the holiday season

Have you planned your Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale? Get to it right now, because these are the two days when everyone, including your audience, is more willing to spend their money than ever. And it’s not just about “I’ll buy myself a game-related treat” — studies show that 50% of the Christmas shopping is done by December 3rd.

Get your campaign ready with a nice discount, a gift with a purchase, etc. Importantly, remember about promotion — tell the good news to all your players and social media followers (see #4).

#2 Reward power users

Attracting new players is one way to get that boost revenue; meanwhile, you must not forget about rewarding your power users — the real advocates of game and brand. Upcoming Black Friday and Christmas holiday season calls for good discounts and possibly some new additions to the game store.

Here’re a few fun ideas on what to add to the merchandise store:

  • Tote bags, hoodies, beanies or even fun socks;
  • Smartphone & tablet covers, laptop decals;
  • Posters and fun holiday greeting cards.

Win-win situation. Your power user gets the new game-related product for a good price and you get a revenue increase.

#3 Engage with brands

Ever thought of partnering up with a brand? Now that’s taking advertising a level up. Starting with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the holiday season is the time when brands have additional funds to look for and advertise to new audiences, so why not offer them your game players? Let’s get in touch and work on this project together!

Here are some ideas to incorporate brands in your game:

  • Brand-sponsored holiday season level;
  • Branded game hero outfit;
  • Cross-branded merch (see #2).

Revenue correlates with brand popularity and audience engagement, yet still, you’ve got to start with something.

Monetizr recorded in-game unique conversion rate up to 17.8% and 25% increase in user’s lifetime value from our clients so swag is definitely a step in the right direction.

#4 Plan your content marketing strategy

If a product is good, everyone will find it. Right? Wrong! There are probably many games half as good but still more successful. Marketing is the key. People usually do extensive online research before going out in the real world and spending their money, so make sure you have a seamless content marketing strategy to stand out in the overwhelming noise of Search results.

Some tips to reach as many game enthusiasts as possible:

  • Perfect your social media accounts paying special attention to quality content (both visual and written).
  • Use targeted social media ads and know the audience you target — what are they interested in, where do they come from?
  • An SEO consultation is always a good idea — you don’t have to hire one full time but consultation and suggestions would help improve how you are found.
  • Tell people what makes you different from other games, why they should download yours.

#5 Good thing it’s mobile-friendly

Speaking of people doing the research before holiday season shopping — by December 25th, 2017 it was clear that 50% of sales were done using mobile (a 10% increase compared to 2016.)The graph below suggests some of the most important ways of improving game players’ mobile experience.

Mobile Shopping Focus Report, 2018, commercecloud.com

The holiday season will come sooner than you think, start acting on it now — www.themonetizr.com — and good luck!



Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers