Are Bad Mobile Games on the Rise?

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2018
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Oh, boy, won’t you just take a look at all those “colorful” titles sprouting out on your Google search results page. Just give it a shot right now — type in the phrase “free mobile games”. If you’re looking for a bad mobile game, you’re sure to find one. In an industry so densely populated and supplied with new entries on a daily basis, there’s simply bound to be an influx of a second rate crap-fest.

The most predominant issues regarding the low-end realm of the mobile gaming ecosystem? Constant recycling, releasing of rushed and painfully unfinished material, ad-filled (in fact — built to serve as mere platforms for ads) low-quality derivatives of successful franchises and a general, “quick buck” laziness as the driving force behind certain developers. Let’s find out why this is happening, and how to put a big, M-shaped end to the whole mess.

It’s a Cycle of Unproductiveness

Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Contrary to what you may thing (and what’s also indicated in the introductory paragraph), the low quality of mobile games is not something one can blame solely on the developers. In fact, there’s very little finger pointing possible at all, as at the core of the issue lies both the attitude of the developer and the gamer. With the mobile device market skyrocketing as you’re reading these lines, the constant demand for games (and apps, for that matter) is getting increasingly harder to satisfy. Inevitably, this leads to the stressing of the quantity aspect. The victim of this ‘’heads-over-heels’’ production mentality? It is, of course, the quality.

On the other end of the line, there’s also your average mobile gamer. The one who’s not willing to spend more than 24 minutes a day on a single game with the only exception of purchasable power-ups and boosters that provide an instant advantage over the other gamers, leading to instant albeit somewhat faux gratification. Safe to say — behaviour patterns like these can only incentivize the developer to keep on producing cheap, micro transactions-based gimmicks with no added value whatsoever. Why?

Because that’s where the money (presumably) is! What are the long-term consequences? This grows both the segment of financially entitled gamers, eliminates fair, skill-based competition and essentially — takes all the fun away from the gaming itself.

Is It Really all Doom & Gloom?

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Within this huge pile of issues, there is a one that actually can open the door to a lot of possibilities. Let’s start with a one thing that’s clear — the lack of any substantial returned good demotivates gamers to buy games, thus — robs the industry of money (while the industry, in turn, robs the gamers of their time, trust and fun), which eventually leads to an increasingly smaller number of real, through-and-out quality products being made, because there simply are no resources to invest into them. What opportunities could a situation like that possibly offer? Well, remember we said something about putting an M-shaped end to the whole low-quality issue. Watch and learn!

Monetizr as the Medicine against the Cycle of Unproductiveness

The logo of a true champion

The way to approach the problem of returned good is as simple as it gets — just offer it to the gamer. Even more — break the threshold of virtual reality, and offer them actual physical rewards. Of course, this is way more easily said than done without proper resources in place. That’s where the Monetizr comes in, making it super simple for developers to integrate the Monetizr game reward engine directly into your game — so you can focus on the game itself.

“Space Jammers” Phone Case provided by Monetizr

The Monetizr platform allows gamers to earn rewards for the time spent on the game and their achievements made during this period. It also allows the developer to award loyal fans with a huge selection of game-branded merchandise items, all manufactured and delivered seamlessly by Monetizr. The revenue made from this mechanism as well as the benefit of handing over all the merch-related tasks to someone else basically eliminates the problem of unhealthy gamer/developer interaction. The gamer is motivated to play more in a strive to acquire precious game-branded items, while the developer can shift the focus on the game itself and invest every earned penny into upgrades or in their next, ground-breaking project. That’s about it. No buzz, just an action from all the involved parties that eventually helps everyone to become a better version of themselves.

There are Many More Perks There!

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

If you’re interested in learning more about how the Monetizr game reward engine can be integrated into your games, let us know!

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Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers