How to use Easter eggs as Player Motivation to drive IAP’s

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2019

Player experience is all about the emotions the player gets from the game. The game developer can prolong and increase this experience by clever, hidden Easter eggs along with the game storyline. Like surprise levels or unlockable game collectibles. But first, players must get to them. Motivation and encouragement are in order here.

Encouragement can appear a few steps from the Easter egg with a character from the game announcing that the player is so close to a surprise. Or, if the game has levels, encourage the player to spend in-game currencies (or watch an ad), to finish the level and reach the reward faster.

Inside the levels, motivational messages can go along the lines of:

  • You’ve almost reached the secret level!
  • Just one more level to unlock collectibles!
  • Be among 1st 100 if you finish this level now!

Some ideas to motivate your players:

  • Limit the amount of time or effort they need to reach the goal. Say, finish 100 levels might seem impossible while 3 or better yet 1 level is doable.
  • Appeal to their emotions. If your players are super-competitive add exclusivity and communicate to players that only the first 500 will get to play the secret level or get the exclusive collectible. Or use the fear of missing out — the event will end in 48 hours.
  • Give multiple reasons to go forward. Unlock collectible or secret level and throw some other rewards in the mix as well, like, an hour unlimited lives or game currencies and other things players love.
  • Challenge players — openly or secretly but people love to win and be at the top of the leaderboard. This is also a motivator.

Next up — rewarding your players. Step 1 was triggering players to take action. Read here. Want to see the full case study? Click here.

See the full use case here!

If you have questions and want to know more about game collectibles, book a meeting or visit our homepage.



Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers