Merch Ads — the Unfairly Overlooked Opportunity

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2018
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Not so long ago we published a piece on the history and evolution of ads, stretching from the early pop-ups to the modern in-game ads in today’s mobile gaming ecosystem. We received great feedback and wanted to explore the topic a bit more since nearly everyone is familiar with ads at least in some capacity. In this article, we take a look at how ads can be used for good (gasp!) to make everyone a more satisfied individual.

It’s a Carrier of Your Brand’s Success

Photo by Lance Anderson on Unsplash

Marketers ride the fence on this one. Sure, if an annoying 5-second ad disrupts the flow of the YouTube video you were so engaged in, those responsible for it could also label this intrusion as means of raising their brand’s awareness. And frankly, they wouldn’t be too far from the truth. With that said, there are two roads to take when it comes to showing off the splendour of your product. One of them — a quick yet shameless presentation, which will most likely make the subject jump on a desperate search for the nearest ad-blocking service. This type of ads brings out the name yet does not offer any substantial value to the person who perceives it.

Photo by Mia Baker on Unsplash

The second type of ads, which is more characteristic to the mobile environment, also aid to popularize your brand, yet does so by offering gamers to have an actual, tangible piece of it, purchased using resources that the gamer earns by consuming your product (e.g. — the game itself). These types of ads are used to sell game-branded merchandise directly to the gamer with a quick, one-tap ordering process and no third-party intervention. They can also enlighten the gamer on their financial status and give significant discounts to those players who have earned impressive point values for their skill and determination.

Photo by Rhett Noonan on Unsplash

In short, these ads use the merch factor as the main attraction point, but do it only when the right moment arrives. It’s the blissful moment when the gamer actually feels entitled to receive a reward for their effort. In practice, it’s more of a ready-made shop, popping up whenever the player has actually earned the resources for acquiring their prize.

How Exactly this Makes Ads Less Annoying for the Gamers?

First off, merchandise is one of the greatest incentives known to men, as it pushes the player further, by showing what exactly he/she is going to get at the end of the line. Secondly, an ad like this is actually a more optimized and a more convenient version of a regular merchandise shop. The only difference? There’s literally no clutter on the gamer’s part.

Chanjz on Pixabay

Just as the ad pops up, the player can instantly acquire the long craved merchandise item. There’s no need to leave the game only to go through a maze-like checkout process. You play — you buy. Don’t want to buy? Then save your points for the item you actually crave. Ads thus become more of a signal for new achievements, new landmarks in the progress of the gamer.

Okay, But Who’ll take Care of this…

Sure, to turn the tide for the benefit ads and thus — the gamers, there has to be a fully functioning platform underneath it. An engine capable of eliminating every known annoying aspect about the ads, a platform with a capacity to support an entire virtual economy. And, luckily for us all, there actually is one just like that.

The Name is Monetizr

Yes, the whole myriad of obstacles can be swiped away with a simple, game rewards platform entitled Monetizr. Not only this provides an unprecedented level of transmission security, it also removes a truckload of routine obstacles that may otherwise make these merch ads just as unbearable as their desktop siblings.

A Neatly packed Blackbox merch item acquired via Monetizr

The whole economy is based on physical rewards earned via the pure joys of gameplay and can be purchased within the game itself. As far as the merchandise itself is considered, we’re talking about only the highest-quality items here. The variety and client-friendly delivery terms really make thin into the ultimate merch shop, while the number of potential artworks is mind numbingly high! It’s safe to say that there will be one for every taste. In short, we’re aim to transform game-branded items into a genuine fashion wear!

Photo by Sharon Garcia on Unsplash

That’s right, whether you’re killing zombies or dressing up kittens, there’s a one universal profile that you’re carrying with you, with all the achievements on the bill. In this environment ads essentially become a Monetizr-generated means of communicating with the gamer, keeping the individual aware of its track record and informing about new opportunities arising in the Monetizr Universe.

Monetizr is here to finally turn in-game ads into a valuable, gamer-friendly fortune cookie sort of a thing!

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Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers