Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2023


The Rise of Mobile Gaming and the Increasing ROI Opportunities for Brands

Where brands and gaming meet.

In recent years, we’ve witnessed a monumental shift in the gaming landscape, with mobile gaming emerging as one of the biggest media channels available to brands. The widespread availability of smartphones and the ever-increasing internet penetration have paved the way for the exponential growth of mobile gaming.

In fact, according to industry reports, the global mobile gaming revenue and is on track to surpass more than $180 billion this year.

As this booming sector continues to attract billions of players worldwide, brands have a golden opportunity to leverage mobile gaming as a powerful media channel.

The Mobile Gaming Revolution

Mobile gaming has disrupted the traditional gaming landscape, revolutionizing the way people interact with games. And accessibility and convenience have made gaming an integral part of people’s daily lives. From casual gamers to competitive players, the appeal of mobile games transcends demographics, capturing the attention of a diverse audience.

Recent surveys show that of the 3.2 billion people worldwide regularly playing video games, more than half are playing mobile games. More than half of these are female. Gen Z now prefers spending their time gaming rather than social media.

This is powerful stuff!

There is a massive market, and it’s critical that advertisers and brands figure out quickly what the landscape looks like.

The Power of Creating In-Game Ad Experiences

One of the key opportunities for brands lies in the realm of building in-game advertising experiences. Integrating branded content and even branded missions into mobile games provides a seamless and inclusive way to reach potential target customers.

Whether it’s a branded character skin, virtual merchandise, in-game branded rewards or exclusive power-ups, the possibilities are endless.

Have it your way!

Doing it Right and Doing it at Scale

So how can brands approach this relatively new media channel? First, don’t try to use legacy digital formats for a new channel.

As An Boon, former Vice President of Marketing for Coca-Cola, told Monetizr: Brand owners want to be organically integrated in the lives of their end consumers. Into the audience’s passion points. But these passion points are so fragmented. It becomes very difficult to activate the brand at scale!

This fragmentation is often the result of both using legacy type ads and not integrating a brand experience to improve the game.

What brands and the agencies want and need is one contact, a single doorway they can walk through with one call to access a huge chunk of that channel.

What Brands Can Expect

Rewards and Loyalty Programs

Mobile gaming offers a unique avenue for brands to implement rewards and loyalty programs. Brands can incentivize players to engage with their products and services by offering exclusive in-game rewards, discounts, or loyalty points. This approach not only fosters a sense of loyalty among existing customers but also attracts new ones who are enticed by the prospect of earning valuable rewards through gameplay.

Data-Driven Marketing

The digital nature of mobile gaming enables brands to gather valuable data on player behavior and preferences. Through our platform, brands can gain insights into player demographics, preferences, and purchasing habits. Armed with this data, brands can fine-tune their marketing strategies and deliver targeted promotions that resonate with their audience, leading to better ROI and higher customer satisfaction.

Brand Authenticity and Alignment

In the age of conscious consumerism, brand authenticity plays a crucial role in establishing a strong rapport with consumers. Monetizr assists brands in crafting campaigns that fit seamlessly into the gaming experience, promoting brand alignment and credibility. By associating with games that share similar values, brands can tap into the emotional connections that gamers have with their favorite titles, fostering a positive brand perception.

Global Reach and Accessibility

One of the most remarkable aspects of mobile gaming is its global reach and accessibility. The widespread availability of smartphones ensures that gamers from different corners of the world can participate in the gaming ecosystem. This presents an unparalleled opportunity for brands to expand their global footprint and reach diverse markets through a single platform.


The rise of mobile gaming presents an unprecedented opportunity for brands to leverage the massive potential of the gaming sector for brand promotions. With Monetizr providing innovative solutions for in-game advertising and engagement, brands can seamlessly integrate their products and services into the gaming experience.

By engaging with the passionate gaming community, implementing rewards and loyalty programs, and utilizing data-driven marketing, brands can unlock the full potential of mobile gaming for driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and business growth. As the mobile gaming industry continues to flourish, forward-thinking brands must embrace this burgeoning medium to stay relevant and connect with their audience in a meaningful way.

The future of brand promotion is in the palm of every gamer’s hand.

Learn more about Monetizr’s ad experience platform here or schedule a chat with me here.



Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers