Why Acquisition is Only a Piece of the Gaming Success

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

With 2018 off to the races, there’s no doubt that blockchain is here to stay. There’s been a rapid influx of innovation in the global cryptocurrency community, enough so that many compare it to the earlier days of the Internet boom. That growth is amplified even more in gaming, where blockchain tech has fueled a number of projects over the last year, most of which focus on virtual marketplaces, in-game payment, or customer acquisition.

In recent months, most of the buzz in the gaming area has been around those projects that aim to disrupt the traditional marketing approaches for online games — i.e., customer acquisition.

Customer acquisition is certainly an important goal. After all, unfortunately, the “if you build it, they will come” strategy is not a proven win for gaming!

This is particularly true in mobile gaming, where the market is overcrowded and trying to gain the attention of an increasingly distracted audience. With the number of smartphone users expected to grow to more than 2.5 billion by 2019, it’s no wonder that gaming has entered the mainstream by making the industry significantly more accessible.

by @rawpixel

For us, and what we’ve learned from the 500+ game developers we’ve worked with to build out the Monetizr platform — customer acquisition is just the beginning. Once the customers (and in this case, gamers) are onboard, then retention — and even more so, engagement — are critical for success.

At Monetizr, we focus on the three core constituents in the gaming industry: Gamers, Game Developers and Brands. What that comes down to is making sure the entire lifecycle of the gaming experience is second to none.

The Monetizr Game Reward Engine enhances the experience for gamers, and in turn, drives engagement, reach and revenue for developers and brands.

Monetizr gives gamers a way to earn rewards based on their achievements, skills, and time spent in the game — and to be able to use those rewards across multiple games. Monetizr has a proven track record (and success with more than 25 game studio customers already on the platform) in increasing engagement.

This time (and engagement) ultimately creates a better player experience and leads to more revenue for game developers. This is primarily because the more time players spend in a game, the more likely they are to make in-app purchases, see ads or sponsored game levels, buy merchandise, and share their achievements with friends.

With Monetizr, gamers can use their physical rewards for game-branded products or services.

And in a time when some are calling it the “Internet of Value” — real-life value drives engagement in a very meaningful way.

Interested in learning more about how Monetizr is using blockchain to help game developers with acquisition, retention and engagement?



Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers