How Personalized Game Gear can Attain to Game Retention Success

Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2019

In a mobile gaming world where digital rewards are forgotten within seconds, give your players unlockable, real-world game collectibles.

A problem is that your players can get almost anything with a tap on their phone screen. Especially game currencies, extra moves, and things that would help beat more levels and score higher on the leaderboard. Those things are also lacking any value for players once used. When the new, more shiny game comes along, they will bring their business elsewhere. This is where the gamification framework and unlockable, real-world collectibles come handy.

Think of a place inside your game where the drop-off rates are the highest. What if instead of uninstalling, this would become the holy grail inside the game and win would mean player becoming a part of a very exclusive club? Sacred few who had won this level and unlocked [insert your game name] exclusive game t-shirt. It’s a unique and exhilarating player experience with players rediscovering the game in the physical world.

There are eight core motivators behind every human action. It’s called the Octalysis framework, and it identifies your player behavioral patterns, predicting their next moves. Sometimes it’s as simple as a hint of something huge just behind the next corner to keep them going.

This “something huge” is game collectibles. Real-world exclusive game collectibles players unlock and purchase as they go.

Customized, own game t-shirt will attain to your game success. It’s not a regular shirt. It’s your game superhero shirt. And it is available only after completing the hero’s missions in games. Reaching high-score, winning the boss level, being number 1 in the leaderboard.

And the t-shirt itself is a part of the game. It can hide hidden Easter eggs, like hints of unlocking extra, hidden to regular players, levels in your game. Or you put an insider joke on the inside label. It’s a badge-of-honor item with high-quality print (or embroidery), it can be limited edition — only 100 best and fastest can get it. A t-shirt where you can decide to customize back and front, use tags on the sleeves or bottom of the shirt.

It might look like a regular t-shirt, but game developers and players know better. Own, customized game t-shirt that cannot merely be purchased but must be strived for is so much more valuable for your most engaged players. They come back to the game, again and again, to stay on the leaderboard, complete more tasks and unlock more rewards.

And this is how you drive your game retention, increase in-game purchases amounts, and get noticed among two million other mobile games. What you offer is not a mobile game, you provide immersive experience online and offline, one that your players come back for again and again.



Martins Bratuskins @Monetizr

COO and Co-Founder at Monetizr - The world’s most advanced in-game ad experience platform. We work with the biggest CPG brands and most popular game publishers