Dear Money,

I hope you’re doing well today!

Elena Solomon
Money, a Love Affair
3 min readJul 21, 2021


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I thought of you earlier, as I stumbled across a radio show whose hosts were building shame around you! They were ridiculing some public figures, saying they “were in for the money”. My mind started racing!

Obviously, the connotation was bad. They were clearly implying that focusing on you was shameful!

I was amused on one hand, and indignant on the other.

I was amused because I was on top of my own thinking! I can’t describe how good that feels! As I heard the piece of news, I immediately switched to my awareness mode! I managed to immediately spot the negative association these people were subliminally conveying!

I was indignant because these radio hosts were trying to manipulate my thinking!

This is how values are transmitted by media, how ideas spread — unsupportive and damaging ideas, I must add!

  • First, we listen to subliminal messages, smartly crafted.
  • Then our minds form associations, both positive and negative.
  • And then we walk around, applying these associations to all sorts of life situations, in a destructive way to ourselves!!

And unaware people, like I used to be, are taking all this garbage in and then repeat not only the words themselves, but also the associated state of mind, and the correlated emotions!

This is what happened in my own life, with you, my good friend! And it has had terrible consequences for us. It succeeded in severing our relationship, in alienating us!

You know how much self-awareness work I’ve done to reach this kind of detached thinking. How many reframing exercises I’ve done to take hold of my own mind! But for the person with an untrained mind, with an unfocused mind, this radio show with the tone of voice used was a direct invitation to feel contempt and hate towards you!

Unfortunately, people are unaware that our minds are not good at holding contradictions. We cannot think one thing, but then act in the opposite direction!

Sometimes it does happen that we say one thing and do another — but this is because we don’t realize what ideas we actually hold in our subconscious mind. Consciously, we say what should be the Truth for us, what we should do. We practice wishful thinking. But subconsciously we feel and believe differently. We may want to think and feel other than what we actually do, but we cannot!

And when we do act, we reveal to the world our subconscious beliefs. Our conscient mind may speak what we should do, but our subconscious mind acts on what is inside us.

When we act, we may bring out our weapon of mass destruction — the WILL — but only for brief moments and with terrible consequences. We develop addictions and numb our feelings with all sorts of things. No, willpower doesn’t work!

We cannot believe one thing and do another. Not under stress. Not in the long run.

We, humans, are bad at holding contradictions in our heads! We don’t know how to do it! And when we force action, we perform acts of will, which only take us so far because willpower doesn’t work!

Anyway. Money, my dear friend, I miss you still! I hope to see you soon!





Elena Solomon
Money, a Love Affair

Telecom BSc, Harvard MBA, Psychology nerd. I love personal development work and changing mindsets.