Creating and Selling Online Courses: An Emerging Online Business Trend

Adil Khan
Money Advice
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2023


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Though not a brand-new idea, online education has become increasingly popular in recent years. The increasing popularity of online courses can be attributed to a number of factors, including the trend toward remote employment and the rapid development of relevant technologies. Because of this, developing and selling online courses has become one of the most exciting new areas of online commerce. This trend could be a great opportunity for you if you have specialized knowledge or a talent for instructing others. Let’s take a look at what goes into making an online course and what you might get from doing so.

The Why: Increasing Need and Profitable Prospects
The need for lifelong education has increased in this rapidly developing digital era. They want to learn something new, change occupations, or follow their passions without leaving the house. Online education is a viable option because it is easily accessible, flexible, and cost-effective.

The business potential of online education is enormous. ReportLinker, a market research agency, predicts that by 2027, the global eLearning market would be worth $1.09 trillion. Developing and marketing online courses might help you take advantage of this growing industry and earn a substantial living.

Methods for Designing and Marketing an Online Course

1. Decide What You Want to Teach
Pick something you’ve done some research on and feel strongly about. Make sure it’s something you’re passionate about and good at, like digital marketing, graphic design, yoga, or cooking. Do your homework on the competition, pinpoint market problems, and develop a curriculum that fills those voids.

2. Plan Your Movement
Create an all-encompassing course outline. It’s best to get started with the fundamentals and work your way up to the more advanced material. Make sure the course is laid up in a way that is easy to understand. Videos, PDFs, live sessions, quizzes, or a combination of these could all be used.

3: Make Excellent Content
Get professional recording gear if you plan on making videos or podcasts. Your course’s worth is directly proportional to the standard of your content. Materials that are high in quality and have been edited thoroughly can do wonders for attracting and keeping students.

4: Select the Appropriate Medium
Udemy, Coursera, Teachable, and Thinkific are just few of the many websites that enable the sale of online courses. You should select a platform based on how well its features and benefits serve your specific demands and objectives.

5: Determine a Fair Cost
The price tag is a major factor. Find out how much comparable courses often cost by conducting some market research. Consider the subject’s popularity, the time and effort you’ve put into it, and the value you’re delivering. Keep in mind that the number of enrollees is not directly proportional to the price. Don’t undersell your course if it’s exceptionally valuable.

6: Promote Your Training
Attracting students requires strategic advertising. Reach out to your audience through various channels such as social media, email newsletters, and blogs. To attract students, you may provide a free trial or a discount for early sign-ups.

The Way Forward: A Model for Long-Term Financial Success
The business concept of developing and marketing online courses can last for a long time. Once your course is up and running, it will continue to bring in money with minimal upkeep on your part. You can keep it relevant by revising it as needed, adding new material, or developing more complex modules.

The flexibility and scalability of online courses are two of their greatest strengths. Because they are available online, they have a worldwide audience. The potential for online courses is rising as more and more people throughout the world adopt digital education.

Developing and selling online courses has the potential to be a highly rewarding internet business venture if done properly. Why not teach others what you know and reap the rewards of a successful online enterprise? You never know when your knowledge will be sought after in the realm of distance education.



Adil Khan
Money Advice

Writer | Entrepreneur | Digital Marketing | Online Earning