How Company Loyalty is Holding You Back

And why it even exists

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo: Laura Davidson via unsplash

Probably one of the most bizarre conversations I’ve had this year so far is one that I had with a colleague of mine.

I work for a company that is contracted by the education bureau of the Chinese Government. There’s not a chance in hell you’ve ever heard of it, and there’s no reason you’d ever aspire to work here. So why, dear god why, was my colleague in tears when considering leaving?

The bizarre conversation I was having was in regards to their feeling of loyalty to the company. They felt as though a part of them was attached to this company, and that leaving would somehow cause them to lose this part.

I wanted to slap them. You are no more a part of a company than you are with the money it gives you. Stop crying over a business, it sure as hell will never cry for you.

Why this feeling exists

One of the strangest phenomena that exists in the capitalistic world we live in is the feeling of company loyalty.

This feeling is so strong that most people will never branch off and work for themselves, even if they can, because this level of loyalty causes them to tie their own self worth to the company they work for.

