How I Make My Passive Income

I pay all my bills with the money my money earns

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Do you remember what you learned when you were in high school?

I remember learning what poetry was, I somewhat remember learning about trigonometry. I definitely remember being forced to read a lot of old books.

Towards the end of high school I learned a lot about the various trades available to me once school was finished.
The Australian government at the time was pushing graduating students into trade careers such as carpentry and plumbing. They needed more men in the trenches erecting walls and unclogging drains.

We learned how to swap time for dollars, but not once did we ever learn how to plant a dollar and let it grow.

Photo by niko photos on Unsplash

Recently I entered my 30’s, so as one does I reflected back on the last decade. As I looked back I really started to appreciate what my passive income had done for me.

It had allowed me to change careers multiple times and take big chances. I’ve lived without financial support from my family since being a teenager, but in spite of that I’ve never been desperate for cash.

