How to Lead After Being Promoted to Management

Changing your thinking from that of a follower, to that of a leader

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

One of the most awkward yet exciting moments of any career is the day a person transitions into a leadership role.

The awkward part comes when it’s time to tell your former colleagues what to do. Some of them are still faithful to the previous leader, while others consider you as one of the gang and someone they used to goof-off with.

How can you suddenly start talking as if you know best? And how do you even change your brain so that you’re suddenly the one who can positively impact the business?

Well, it’s not easy. In a way, transitioning into a leadership role requires you to re-wire your brain and start seeing things from a different perspective.

Re-Thinking Money

In your previous job, the only money you cared about was the money being deposited into your account every month. It didn’t matter how the business made the money you were being paid, all that mattered was that you were getting your fair share.

Now that you’re a leader, the money you’re actually getting is the least of your concerns. The money being made by the business is now your #1 concern.

