Let’s Buy a House!

Making the biggest and best investment of your life

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip
2 min readNov 10, 2020


Photo by Breno Assis on Unsplash

I’ve said it a lot of times in the past, but there’s no harm in saying it again..

Property is never the investment I most highly recommend for people who are curious about getting more involved in their finances.

Property is a lot of work to buy, and can be a loooot of work to maintain. While it’s considered a fairly safe investment, there’s many things that can go wrong, and a lot of ways to lose a lot of money through silly mistakes and questions not asked.

A sinkhole is never going to suddenly appear and suck up 30% of your ETF portfolio… just saying.

But while property isn’t the first thing I ever recommend, it is undeniably an amazing journey to go on once you reach the point in your life that it becomes right for you.

Shopping for a house can be really fun, and there’s no better feeling than knowing that there’s a piece of the planet out there that belongs to you.

Lately on Money Clip, I’ve been focusing on the lessons I learned while buying my properties. I’ve gone through the process, and have seen all of the great and terrible things that can happen.

So because of the feedback I’ve received from some of my readers asking for more of my house stories, I put together a dedicated page on Money Clip where you can find my property-focused articles all together.
This way, if you’re getting ready to make that decision, hopefully reading a few of these will help with some of the things you maybe hadn’t considered yet. Things such as;

  • Negotiating a great price
  • Managing a mortgage
  • Turning a profit
  • And lots more..

While I absolutely don’t believe you should only be reading Money Clip articles before buying a house (that would be nuts!) I do believe in reading absolutely everything you can get your hands on to get the best advantage possible.
Agents, lawyers, and brokers will assume you know what you’re talking about while interacting with them; so it helps to pretend that you do!

So if you’d like, have a read of my experiences, and reach out through the comments if you have any questions.

I love nothing more in the entire world than talking about investment strategies of all kinds, so feel free to ask away.

Have a wonderful week, and stay safe out there.

Best Regards,


