Making the Perfect Offer on a House

How to nail the most important negotiation of your life

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo: LinkedIn Sales Navigator via unsplash

So you’ve finally saved up enough money and it’s time to go ahead and buy a house! Either that, or you want to leverage your existing properties into another loan to expand your property empire.

Either way, congratulations! It’s time to find your dream investment and make the perfect offer.

This article assumes that you’re buying a house for use as a tenanted investment. I don’t count the house you live in as an investment, because there are very different considerations when choosing the house that will become your home.

A home needs to be beautiful and decorated with all the luxuries you care about. It matters more that it’s located near your gym than near price-inflating factors such as schools or parks.

A home won’t generate any revenue, instead saving you from having to pay rent. You’re buying it for freedom and for the feeling that the next 30 years are “building toward something.”

In a best case scenario, you may sell it and downsize during your twilight years, or you may pass it to your kids. But regardless of the end game, a home is an expense that brings you happiness. We’re here today to talk about an investment that generates money.

