Presenting the 2020 Quarantined Income Workshop Series

If you need to make replacement income during quarantine, look no further

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

How did you spend your day today?

If you’re like 98% of people right now, you spent it glued to the couch; eyes rolled back with boredom.

Unfortunately for the world, almost all of us are stuck inside because of the coronavirus outbreak right now, and contrary to what we’d originally expected, the feeling is… kinda crappy.

We always fantasised about not having to go into work every day, but this new version of reality isn’t quite the dream we were expecting.

Even worse than being stuck inside with a herd of children or needy partner is the ever-present soul-sucking boredom.
Not to mention that for some of us, we’re now in a position of financial insecurity we’ve never experienced before.

For me, a combination of online course writing and side-hustles (including Medium) has been what’s kept the lights on since February when the virus first hit China.

If it weren’t for my hustles I’d be in a horrible position right now. I have no idea what I would have done to pay my bills, and I know there are a lot of other hustlers who feel the same way.

