Stop Telling Me You Don’t Need to Invest

You’re not woke for ignoring investment advice

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve begun noticing a growing herd of young whippersnappers making light of their own retirement.
They seem entrenched in the opinion that there’s either no need to prepare financially for retirement, or that there’s no point because it’s impossible in today’s world.

I just read an article that claimed that because he’s part of Gen Z, the author will be more switched on to the technology that exists when he’s in his 70’s than his grandparents are today.
He won’t be left out of the loop, because he grew up with the internet. Because of this, he’ll be able to make money online until the day he dies.

I think it’s cute that he thinks whatever kids will be using in 50 years will even slightly resemble today’s internet.

In the other camp, we have young people that believe money is somehow different today than it was 50 years ago.

In the old days, it was easy to stockpile your money because a car cost $50 and a steak dinner cost 50 cents…

… dear god.

Without having a rich daddy, no-one in today’s world has a hope at saving any money, so it’s pointless to even get started..

