Thank God I Didn’t Have Surgery in America

I’d be bankrupt

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo by Samuel Branch on Unsplash

In 2012 I was living in the US and working at a job that didn’t include health insurance.
Instead, I had to choose and buy my own coverage.

The plan I selected gave me access to basic health and emergency services with a $1,000 deductible. I only picked this plan because at $2,500 for 12 months, it was the cheapest option that also satisfied the requirements of my work visa.

Only about a month after moving to the US, I caught the flu and decided to see a GP to get a prescription for top shelf medication that would treat the symptoms.
When I left the doctor’s office, I couldn’t believe I was walking out with a $300 bill that didn’t even include the medicine.

What made me even more shocked was that my American friends weren’t only unsurprised; they thought I should count myself lucky.

Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

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