Treat Your Time As Though it were Money

It’s the only way to become truly productive

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo by ELISA KERSCHBAUMER on Unsplash

If anyone out there is looking for the fastest possible way to make me roll my eyes and groan audibly, it’s telling me that you’re too busy.

I think the term ‘too busy’ was already ruined for me during my childhood when I’d watch day-drinking church-goers flitter away their days volunteering because they hadn’t realised that marrying rich is comfortable, but ultimately boring. It made me realise that busy may not truly exist, but rather, may be a construct for the disorganised.

We all have 24 hours in a day, no-one has a cheat code on time.

I realise that these people were unlikely to ever want a solution to the ‘busy’ problem. If you run yourself ragged with meaningless tasks stacked together haphazardly, you never need to stop to face the crushing void of worthlessness creeping in around you. But for those out there that are actually looking for a solution, it’s there if you want it, and it’s simple.

You’re not busy, you’re unorganised.

Take your hands off your pearls, I know you feel like an organised person. Your calendar is colour-coded and your highlighters are the best money can buy. But keeping score of tasks accomplished doesn’t make you organised, it makes you…

