What Stardew Valley Can Teach Us About Money Management

The best financial lessons really can come from anywhere

Jordan Fraser
Money Clip


Photo: Chucklefish Games

I’m somewhat of an enthusiastic gamer, meaning that I enjoy games, but am not particularly talented at playing them well.

Recently, I’ve been getting back into the universally beloved game ‘Stardew Valley’ and it has been an incredible experience all over again.

The game was patched with a big update a few months ago that added many new features, including the ability to play split screen on the Nintendo Switch. This has meant long nights with my partner working together on our farm to build up our shared resources and improve our virtual life together.

While re-playing this game, I’ve found that I’m developing a newfound appreciation for the incredible financial lessons I believe this game and others are providing people (especially kids).

I believe that as a society we’re letting kids down by not providing them the financial lessons they need to succeed at life, but perhaps some video games can pick up the slack.

I don’t think many people out there really believe that games are teaching their kids anything, but if you really step back and take an objective look, there are some incredibly sophisticated lessons to be learned while…

