8 Ways To Get FREE Amazon Products

The Most Life-Changing Websites And Applications

Brittany Williams
Money Hungry
8 min readMay 18, 2020


Photos From Vox.com

It’s no surprise that Amazon is currently one of the biggest mass suppliers in the world. Many average people such as you and I are given the opportunity to start our own business. The best part about Amazon is the fact that you do not have to carry inventory. You can order merchandise from one location, have it sent to Amazon, who then ships it out to the customers upon product sales. Because there are so many individuals ordering on Amazon, They rely heavily on reviews and word of mouth. Thus opening the door to many opportunities to get free Amazon products.

A lot of Amazon suppliers will offer you a product in exchange for a review. Recently, however, Amazon stopped allowing this exchange to occur because people write false reviews to receive free products. Before we being when using these websites, make sure that you are still abiding by Amazon’s policies so that you do not risk losing your account.

I have found that third party websites are the best route to take when communicating with Amazon sellers. This ensures that your transactions are carried out fairly and both parties are taken care of. If you reach out to Amazon sellers privately, you run the risk of them potentially cheating you out of money.

1. Testzon

Testzon Logo

Testzon offers a wide variety of items to choose from. You can search for products by category and select anything you want. Once you find a product you’d like to review, you submit a quick request to the seller via the Testzon website and await their approval. Once approved they send you the link, and a coupon to redeem the item for free or for a heavily discounted price. Next, you head straight to the Amazon website to place your order. Then you go back to Testzon, copy and paste your order number and wait for the item to arrive. Lastly, after trying the products, Testzon will prompt you to write feedback on their website.

When you first start some products will be locked. As you complete more deals, you will gain XP. The more XP you have, the more products you have access to. This isn’t to say you don’t have a wide variety of items to choose from when you start, there is just a handful that you wouldn’t have access to yet. This would usually include expensive electronics such as camera equipment or household appliances which are normally very expensive.

Additionally, you can only apply to up to 10 products at a time. Once you are accepted or rejected from a campaign a new slot will open up allowing you to apply for another product.

The biggest downside of this app is many Amazon Sellers try to get you to email them and carry out transactions off of the website. As I had said before I prefer to do everything on the app because that ensures that your transactions are carried out fairly and both parties are taken care of. Out of about 50 exchanges that I have done, I had only run into an issue one time on a $30 laundry basket when doing exchanges on my own via email. So keep in mind you can reach out and do businesses with sellers outside of third party websites, but you are running the risk of losing money.

2. RichPandas

Rich Pandas Logo

Rich Pandas is almost exactly like Testzon except you have the opportunity to get a commission and be entered into monthly drawings. Additionally, you don’t have to request to join campaigns. You find the product that you want to test for free and you simply select it. They then provide a link to the product. Once ordered you head back over to Rich Pandas and paste your order number.

Each product also has listed how much commission you will be paid if you review that item. The commission rates typically range from $1-$5 which is not a lot but you are also receiving a free product alongside that.

Image By Chuttersnap On Unsplash

The only problem with this website is they do ask you to write an Amazon review which can be seen as going against Amazon’s policies. With that, I say to make sure you are careful and do not in writing agree to write a 5-star review in exchange for a product.

Every time you complete a task on RichPandas you receive what is called GoldStars. The amount that you get on each campaign varies depending on what is specified in the description. These gold stars can then be used to get tickets and be entered into monthly drawing and giveaways.

3. Amazon Vine

Image By Christian Wiediger On Unsplash

The Amazon company themselves also has a program that allows you to get free products randomly with your purchases. If you are a reputable top-ranking reviewer, Amazon will add products into your shipment whenever you order items from them. These products included are random and you don’t know if they are including stuff until you open your package. I once opened up a package that had nearly 15 extra-long iPhone charging cords.

To help make yourself a reputable reviewer, review your items on Amazon every time you make a purchase. Reviews do have to be reviewed by Amazon so they may take a couple of days to go live. In case you didn’t know, if you have an account on Amazon, you have a reviewer profile. This profile allows you to keep track of how many reviews you have and how many people interact with your review and find it helpful.

Amazon Vine Link~ https://www.amazon.com/gp/vine/help

Amazon Review Profile~https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile

4. Vipon

Vipon Logo

This site is set up completely differently than Testzon. You don’t necessarily get free products on this website, but you do get heavily discounted items. Sometimes as little as a few cents.

One major difference is that with this website you do not have to apply for products. When you find an item you like, you get a coupon code right then and there. There is no refund after purchase or any communicating with the company at any point in this process.

I love this website because all transactions are upfront. You see the item you like, you get the discounted code, and then you order the product and you’re done. I always recommend leaving a review on Amazon after using the product, even though it is not required, because that is the main goal of the companies who use these sites. They are doing you a favor by offering you a great deal on products so you should do them a favor and leave an Amazon Review.

5. JumpSend

JumpSend Logo

JumSend is almost identical to Vipon in the way that it is setup. You find an item that you like, you get the coupon code, order it on Amazon and you are done. There is no Paypal refund of communication with the company requires.

Photo By Anthony Fomin On Unsplash

Again, I like this method a lot because it is easy and you don’t have to temporarily put out money to get a product. However, you will end up paying something, even if it is a few cents, for your purchase compared to the other methods and websites.

6. Viralix

Viralix Logo

Viralix is another website that utilizes coupons. You can search for products you are interested in whether it be by category, price range, or percentage of the retail price. Once you find something that peaks your interest, you then can submit a request to receive the coupon. Once approved you can use the coupon to redeem. Within several days of delivery, you are required to write a review on the websites private review platform.

This one is one of my least favorite methods because it is a substantial amount of work you must do and you are not even getting the product completely free. However, I do like to use this website to get extremely cheap bathing suits. Often times they range between $3-$5 with the coupon and free Amazon Prime shipping.

7. Facebook groups

Image By Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

These Amazon groups are run by Amazon suppliers who are willing to offer you their products for free or with a full Paypal rerun after you place your order. This is one of my least favorite methods because I have been shafted before. It is better when you use a website because they monitor the transaction to ensure that both parties comply with their end of the agreement.

These groups can be run by individuals companies who only offer their products for free or by several companies that offer a large variety of products for free. If you can find it on Amazon, you can find a group for it!

The way it works is these companies in the Facebook groups post a product and ask who would be willing to try and test it out. You then message them saying you’re interested and they send you the link to the product. Once you place your order, you send them your order number and within a few days, they will reimburse you. Sometimes, they even throw in a couple of extra dollars as a commission.

8. Email Inquiries

Image By Kon Karampelas On Unsplash

Once you being completing Amazon orders on these websites, you start to establish relationships with these Amazon sellers. This leads to a lot of email inquires where the sellers begin randomly sending you emails asking if you’d like to test out products for free. Usually, you can also negotiate and get them to agree to pay you a small commission as well. Sometimes, you will even get sellers reaching out to you who say that a fellow Amazon seller gave them your contact. The key is to be timely, efficient, and professional.

Check out this YouTube video below for a more comprehensive walkthrough

Video Complimentary Of Author

