I already started out as a failure and learned Two things about money and success (Part 1)

Money Making Online
4 min readJul 23, 2023


Source — Firstpost

I became an actor because I had a problem. I was an introvert and the youngest in my family, and I was so pampered in my house that when I used to step out, I didn’t know how to deal with people. So gradually I became this very shy, introverted kid who could not talk. Well, I still cannot, But today I will tell you my story

I would love to share my journey with you and my learnings, But after deep thinking, I zeroed down on two things that I can actually discuss these two things. Talk about chasing your dreams and actually living your dreams, which, unfortunately, nobody mentioned to me when I was starting out and those two things are,

The biggest lie and the only truth about success that I was told about.

Now, The biggest lie was money plus recognition is equal to happiness, is equal to success. So let me begin by mentioning that I come from a very middle-class family and when I was growing up, money was a big differentiator in my life and nobody in my family earned that much So basically, both money and recognition were missing when I started out, So I already started out as a failure.

Let me be very precise my family told me that I had to become an engineer, then I can try the civil services examination, and then probably that will be like opening the doors for all kinds of happiness and I’ll be forever successful, I’ll be forever happy. This is the conditioning that I experienced when I was growing up.

All right, fair enough. So I became very good in my studies and worked hard and got selected for one of the best Engineering Colleges. I was so happy that finally for the first time, I was so close to my dream. I could finally stop for a while and breathe I was telling myself that, you know what? Now you have made it. You should be happy because you’re supposed to be happy but it wasn’t working that much. Something was missing. There was a void that I could feel.

Source — Hindustan Times

So I thought maybe something bigger was required for some reason, instantly, while the first 18-19 years of my life, the future me was much happier, much more successful than the present me. So I was like, all right, fine. So I was forcing myself. I promised and, I started preparing for the civil services examination I was forcing myself to slog but I was bored. UPSC exams were still far away. In the meantime, I thought of doing theatre and I thought to learn dance to counter the shyness that I still have, also because there were no girls in my engineering college, for some reason, I felt cheated. Man, we slogged so much You crack the entrance exam and you find that there are no girls. Yeah, so somebody told me that there are very good-looking girls in dance schools.

So I was like, fine and once I started with performing arts, I knew one thing for sure. I knew that I quite liked it and three years later, imagine me sitting on the campus and I’m thinking, all right, I’m really interested in performing arts, and all I want to do is to earn money and to be recognized so if I become a movie star I actually was very serious and I dropped out.

Source — India today

Oh my gosh in the third year, when I was just two semesters away from getting the degree, engineering degree, came to Mumbai, and got heavily into the theater and also other skills that I thought were necessary to become an actor. But this time I was prepared for it this time there was one difference I was driven, and My self-respect was at stake My ex-college mates thought that I was that disaster that folks in engineering should never become. So I had to prove a point to everybody, I had to prove a point to my family Most importantly, I had to prove a point to myself and this was the time when I was also a background dancer So I was dancing behind all the possible stars that you can think of Shah Rukh Khan, Shahid Kapoor, everybody and I was thinking to myself while I was performing, okay, it’s just three steps away there. I have to get and everything will be sorted and I kept going like that and two years later, guess what? I got myself my first big break I was selected for a primetime show on TV.

Click here Part 2

( part 2 will be in two days)

This is the Story of one of my inspirations Sushant singh Rajput, unfortunately, he died but I wanted to share his story with you all that how a journey can be inspiring and motivating. Share this with your friend who might need it and Clap if possible thanks

