I already started out as a failure and learned Two things about money and success (Part 2)

Money Making Online
5 min readJul 25, 2023
Source — Firstpost

Now hear me out. It was seriously a big break because I started earning. People started recognizing me. To be honest, I would deliberately go and roam all these malls so that people could look at me, smile, and ask for my photograph and I was watching myself on TV for the first time you have no idea how it feels for somebody like me to, you know, just look at me for and I was looking at myself every day on TV. It was big. I also suddenly discovered that I actually had many friends who were absent all this while but suddenly they popped up and the show became popular I was making good money to the point that money stopped being a differentiator in my life and I was becoming more and more popular.

Now I cannot go to all those malls where I was going all alone so I wanted somebody to be with me to save me, I bought myself my first dream house. I bought myself my dream car. In my life and I was becoming more and more popular and just a note to you as well. I was getting such female attention that my engineering college friends could only possibly dream of So I was having the time of my life and then something unusual happened.

Source — Hindustan Times

I got used to everything and I felt cheated I stayed with all these dreams for 10 and 15 years of my life. I was promised happiness and I was promised success but all these things stayed with me just for a few days and I’m punctuating myself because I started with zero money and zero recognition so I was not happy. How can that be? I didn’t like this version of success and the future I again was luring the present me but this time I decided otherwise I would do something else. So that gets us to the second point,

Which is the only Truth

I figured something seemingly big things were not that big once I got them and looking back on the past, I realized that maybe smaller things were way bigger and there was one thing that was missing in my life that was the cause of this illusion and that thing that was missing was now I was all these years just I was obsessed about what was going to happen I used to draw those flowcharts that we are taught in schools. If this happens, I’ll do that and six months from now I’ll be here. So I wanted to be in control I was so obsessed with my future that I was taking the entire responsibility for the past but all I was doing was frequently swinging from past to future, not living in the actual sense. Well, I also figured that when I perform onstage or in front of the camera, I am so much excited, I am so much interested. I was paying so much attention that there was no room to think about the future or the past I was just there in the moment. I was alive in the true sense when I was performing and for the first time, trust me, in a long time I understood the true meaning of success which was not money plus recognition, but it was now plus excitement. This realization happened in 2011 and it has been years from now and that changed my life completely.

Source — India today

Let me share another very short story with you When I was in school, from 4:00 to 05:30 p.m. was the time when I was allowed to go out and play, but the entire day I used to wait until 04:00 p.m to happen I would step out and the next one and a half hours felt like five minutes. I didn’t understand this then, but now, very honestly, very confidently, I can tell you that I am living that 4 to 5:30 life right now since the last cause and effects are not different. Excitement is the cause, excitement is the effect. I get hired again and again because of all these success mantras that we talk about hard work, belief, focus, vision, risk-taking, talent, and perseverance, we can go on and on but all these success mantras are now the side effects of the process itself I’m so engaged, it commands my attention so much that there is nothing else that I can think about hard work doesn’t feel like hard work and there’s nothing else that you can do but to persist. Talent you will cultivate by vision and you’ll get focus. There is no other way because it’s commanding your attention so much. So here I am right now, many years down the line, with Money, and fame, although still could not earn back their reputation in my life. But let me tell you one thing I have much more of them than I had ever planned and the best thing is one day, one of the professors who was very dear to me, called me recently about asking me to plan A interaction with students and I very humbly requested that can I get my degree back.

Click here Part 1

This is the Story of one of my inspirations Sushant singh Rajput, unfortunately, he died but I wanted to share his story with you all that how a journey can be inspiring and motivating. Share this with your friend who might need it and Clap if possible thanks

