Oppenheimer Movie Review & Analysis | The Good and Bad

Money Making Online
4 min readJul 21, 2023


As is the case with Christopher Nolan movies being an event, the Bobbinheimer debates continued in the periphery, but it was clear that Nolan’s biopic deserved full attention, starring Killian Murphy in the title role, is based on the book American Prometheus focuses on the life of J.Robert Oppenheimer

Source — English Jagran

His early days of education, the significant figures he meets along the journey, both personally and professionally, his political beliefs, and, more importantly, his involvement with the Manhattan Project and its aftermath.

The film has a running time of 3 hours and ten minutes.

The Good

Cinematography and Nolan's novelty

Source — Bollywood Hungama

The movie boasts of not a single shot being in CGI in this film, and it will blow your mind, especially in sequences where several processes in making the atomic bomb are visually represented. And you wonder how the hell Nolan practically shot many of these sequences. There is a novelty to just recognizable locations and something that can be felt, touched and simply feels real.

The horrors psychologically one deal with is showcased in a Shakespearean fashion breathtakingly in a speech by Oppenheimer as the US dropped its atomic bombs on Japan. One is conflicted about whether to celebrate or to mourn the monster he has created something as simple as the frame of a tight

The score provided by Ludwig Goronson

Source — Variety

The score never takes center stage but aims at highlighting so many of the film’s haunting and eerie sequences. There are moments where characters are consumed by what has transpired of what they have created, of the irreversible nature of their actions, and this score helps in enhancing that horror and guilt, which provides us a deep dive into the psychological impact it has on the characters.

Performances and Dialogues

Robert Downey Jr., is exceptional in this role, not having a hint of that arrogant sarcasm many people associated him to be typecast as Matt Damon, as Leslie Groves, a stickler for rules, constantly bickering and arguing with Oppenheimer they are like a married couple, and he does a great job. Benny Safdie as Edward Teller impressed me, someone, who combats Oppenheimer’s thoughts consistently as the movie progresses.

Only stating Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to the humans.

One is warned it’s not a new weapon, it’s a new world.

The relationship between Oppenheimer and Kitty

Source — Hindustan Times

Both individuals are flawed in several ways, but they still seem to find extreme loyalty to one another. This stubborn nature of never conceding makes them an exceptional duo Killian looks emaciated and weak through most of the film, consumed and obsessed with his creation. His eyes and the empty gaze as celebrations and joy commence around him easily make him a contender to beat the least nominated for an Oscar next year. Emily Blunt as the rock who is mostly a hot drunk mess, has one of the best scenes when questioned about her association politically and with her husband, showcasing a confident and feisty ability that will truly suck you in.

The Underwhelming | The Bad

Aspects Exposition and Sound Issues The film in its second half, especially its concluding 45 minutes, references several developments in the life of characters and the evolving relationship between morality and the countries in the world through the Nolan staple, fast-paced exposition. The events that are merely referenced with brief flashes may be tough for people to keep up, especially if you don’t have a keen eye for historical events, figures, and especially scientific terminology. if I could recommend something beyond watching this film on IMAX, it is that you see it on a screen that provides subtitles because it helps in fully deciphering the dialogues rather than you finding your bearings.

It’s an absolute marvel how Christopher Nolan had the ability to pack in so many themes in the three-hour and ten-minute running time. I disagree with those who consider this to be a boring tale. It may be his most impactful human tale relevant to us as a human race today.

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