The Poor Man Who Sold To The Rich šŸ’°

Let me tell you a weird story!!


A poorly dressed elderly man paid so much money to go on a very luxurious road trip meant for the richā€¦

On entering the bus his shoes were worn out, and he looked like the odd one.

Everyone on the bus was wondering how he got the money to afford this luxury trip.

The bus was noisy as those rich folks were busy catching up, debating football & politics with one another.

There was an odd reason the old man was on the busā€¦.

Of course, he couldnā€™t easily afford to take a bus cruise. He had to literally sell almost everything he owned to be able to afford the trip but he had a planā€¦

This Old poor man wants to sell his local medicine & talisman to those rich people who can afford them so that his kids wonā€™t go hungry again that nightā€¦

As the Trip began ā€¦. The poor old man stood up with his cracking voice as arranged with the driver (his friend) he pulled out two boxes and then shouted.

ā€œGood afternoon everyoneā€¦ My name is Mr Abaje I sell locallyā€¦ā€

But before he could say another word, those men shouted back at him;

ā€œCan you just shut up for Godā€™s sakeā€

Others went ahead to ignore himā€¦

Some went ahead to insult him asking him to sit downā€¦

The poor man shamefully went back to his sit and had the longest most miserable rideā€¦

He had paid so much money to be on the bus..and had even had to bribe the bus driver his friend to get him a seat on the bus.

At this point had family was BROKE, HUNGRY and his selling his medicine to those rich folks who clearly could afford it was his familyā€™s only hope for dinner that night and the next day..

Besides he would have to trek back as he put all his money and had even borrowed money for the last thing that could save his business (the bus strip)

ā€¦..wait let me guess, you are now feeling sorry for the poor old man right?

Well, heā€™s no longer poor because something changedā€¦

He learned a big Secret that made him not just wealthy enough to be able to take good care of his family but also so wealthy he started sponsoring future trips for those rich men.

So the Big Question isā€¦ā€¦.What did he learn?

How does that apply to you and how can you use it today to 10x your business growth?

Back to the storyā€¦

So after the long bus ride, the old man was depressed and was coming down from the bus when another man put his hand on his shoulderā€¦

He turned to look at the person when he realized it was one of the rude rich men. He wasnā€™t just one of the rich men he was the richest of them allā€¦

Just like you, the old man was curiousā€¦

What does this overprivileged rich Man want again?

Does he want to mock me?

Should I beg him for money?

Should I ask him to help me?

While he was still thinkingā€¦

The rich man smiled at him, asked him his name, and started a conversation with the old manā€¦

The Rich man saidā€¦

I want to tell you a Secret you should NEVER tell anyoneā€¦ I was once like you but immediately I learnt what I want to tell you today I went from being broke to being a billionaire.

I know what you are thinkingā€¦ You are trying to guess what the Rich Spoilt Boy told the poor old man.

But before I tell you letā€™s fast-forward to two weeks laterā€¦

The same old man went to meet his friends that he wanted to be on the next bus tripā€¦

His friend begged him not to waste his money againā€¦ā€¦

Bla bla blaā€¦

You all know what friends say when they think they are giving you a piece of sincere advice that would save you a lot of trouble but you know you wonā€™t listen to themā€¦ because you have made up your mind to do it and nothing would change it..šŸ˜‚

That is exactly what happened hereā€¦

The old man even borrowed more money and paid more to get on the busā€¦


When the bus took off the old poor man was back to what he did the first timeā€¦

He stood up and as usual, he said

ā€œHello, My name is Mr. Abajeā€/ā€¦ (But instead of going on to try and sell them his product he did something totally strange)

Very very strangeā€¦.

Something nobody expectedā€¦

He saidā€¦

ā€œ I have 3 Mtn #5,000. Recharge card for the fastest finger hereā€

Just like that, he calledā€¦ 327809765432

ā€¦3 seconds later, someone shouted I got itā€¦

He called the secondā€¦

Another wealthy man at the back shouted I got itā€¦

At this point, you can feel the energy in the roomā€¦

Ten seconds later another man shouted I got itā€¦

Now he did not even need to shout, everybody was ready to listen to whatever this man saidā€¦..

So he saidā€¦

Hello my name is Abaje

And brought out his local herbsā€¦

That was the end of the storyā€¦

He sold a lot


attention is the game of selling!!!



Gideon Owolabi
Money Marketing Business and Ads With Gideon Owolabi

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