How Some People With Less Money Built Their Wealth Through the Stock Market

One of the most significant pieces of advice I’ve ever read….

Brandy Guilliot
Life Money Mastery


Photo by M. Brauer on Unsplash

Was to view stocks as shares of an actual business.

Those serious about wealth building have learned to view the stock market as more than just a number machine.

They have learned that the actual share price means nothing regarding the company’s value.

It is a myth to believe that everyone who has built their wealth in the stock market was born rich.

The beautiful intrinsic thing about the stock market is that it does not care whether someone is rich or poor, nor does it care about other things humans tend to hold onto.

The market only cares about the capital you put into it. Those who went on to amass small to large fortunes learned this very early. It didn’t matter if they only had two dollars.

They learned that investing one dollar consistently mattered more than spending a dollar on something of little value to them in the future.

They understood that that single dollar invested was going into an actual business, making them a silent owner of the company. And the more…



Brandy Guilliot
Life Money Mastery

Publisher with a personal zest finance content. I love writing about all things I find useful and sharing them with others.