One-hundredth article on Medium. Shit YEAH 💯

Kelly Robinson
Money Mental Life
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2022
Image by tookapic from Pixabay

This is the big old 💯 articles on Medium post!

Does it mean:

  • I get more income
  • I get more followers
  • I get more claps
  • I get more reads
  • I get more comments
  • I get more subscribers

None of the above…

It actually means none of the above. It is simply my own vanity figure.

Just like sharing that I have a top writer status or I earned $$ last month, it is a vanity figure that you may or may not give a damn about.

Just like you

Whether you have one or one thousand articles on Medium, I hope you are doing it because:

  • You feel the need to write
  • You want to grow your skillset
  • You feel a need to share
  • You feel others may enjoy what you have to write
  • You like the community that is Medium
  • You find the monthly income (big or small) a bonus

Unlike you

Unlike you — If you joined Medium just to publish anything created by AI and generate some type of income, I hope you decide to create a real business instead.

Unlike you — If you joined Medium to write about and read about some get-rich-quick magic that does not exist. I hope you find some peace in working hard.

👉 Please, Medium, can these articles be exiled? 👈

My goals for Medium

  • I enjoy writing about business, people, mental health, technology, money, life and more
  • I hope others enjoy reading about these topics
  • I hope others enjoy commenting on my articles
  • I hope others gain knowledge from my experience
  • I hope others take the time to clap after they read for my own vanity metric

What are your goals on Medium?

If you enjoy reading my content, consider subscribing to my feed or becoming a paid Medium member. It is just $5 per month.

And if you are a coffee lover, why not shout me one too?

Thank you in advance for the claps and comments; I appreciate every one of them.




Kelly Robinson
Money Mental Life

Top Writer. I am passionate about small business, mental health, and much more. I hope you enjoy what I have to share.