Why do you need to get rich quick?

Kelly Robinson
Money Mental Life
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2022
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

What is the world's obsession with the idea of getting rich quick?

Just type the phrase 'get rich quick' into Google, and you will find over 1 billion results.

Reading over 1 billion articles may take some time, but finding the answers to get rich quickly won't be easy.

Which 'expert' do you pick to listen to? What is the magic sauce to get the results QUICK?

On Medium

If we look at Medium, there are endless articles on this topic in various forms.

  • Write more articles
  • Sign up for this scheme
  • Do my online course
  • Buy my book
  • Please read my article
  • Follow this master
  • I made $10k last week and more…

One thing everyone has in common

The one thing that all people have in common. The ones who are mindlessly searching for how to get rich quick.

They will never get rich quick!

Get rich quick is clickbait!

Think of wealthy people you know of

Please do your research and see their journey. It will be longer than you think.

For some, it may have happened quickly, but it has not happened without a lot of hard work. It may be two or ten years, but it has been hard work.

The people you see on YouTube and TicTok all work hard and work every day of the week and still have the same struggles as you and me.

However, their struggles are amplified. They cannot let anyone see their struggles, and they must work hard to ensure their persona is squeaky clean.

Movie stars, TV hosts, business owners and more all work hard to get to where they are with monetary wealth.

Is money the most important thing?

Some of the poorest people live the richest lives.

Sure, having a nice house, nice car, nice clothes, and more makes things a little easier, but it doesn't make you rich or happy.

If you genuinely want to get rich quick, work on yourself.

The 27 club

There is a cultural phenomenon known as the 27 club. The 27 Club lists famous musicians, artists, actors, and other celebrities who died at age 27.

Seemingly they all were rich $$$, but for many, a choice to self-medicate led to their lives ending very young.

Do you still need to get rich quickly in a monetary sense, or will you work on yourself first to live a rich life?

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Thank you in advance for the claps and comments; I appreciate every one of them.




Kelly Robinson
Money Mental Life

Top Writer. I am passionate about small business, mental health, and much more. I hope you enjoy what I have to share.