Frugal March

How much can you save in one month?

Sarah Minnis
Money Min


image shows a jar with money and the words house fund
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Want to save a few pennies this March?

I know I do!

I find it difficult to save money and budget as I often impulse buy — and always will!

I feel like I’ve spent a lot lately.

I’ve bought new household items for the home (curtains and blinds) and a new car battery. When I’m at work, I too often buy my lunch — a few pounds here and a few pounds there soon add up!

I need to save more and spend less.

So, this year, March will be a little lighter (on the purse strings).

As I wrote each point below, I realised I wanted to try them all.

I especially like the Pantry Challenge idea! Food is one of the largest waste areas for household waste. It’s a waste of energy creating it, but also a waste financially. From now on, I’m going to plan my meals more!

A No or Low-Buy Month sounds harsh and arduous, but I’m excited to try it and see how much I can save in a month.

Below are a few ideas to cut your expenses this month.

Pantry Challenge

We all have tins and packets of food languishing in our cupboards until we come to use them…only to find they’re months out…



Sarah Minnis
Money Min

I write about side hustles, productivity and creativity whilst trying to live an eco-friendly and happy life. I love learning new crafts, words and skills!