Side Hustle | Goals

March Goals

Realistic side hustle goals for the month ahead

Sarah Minnis
Money Min
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024


image shows the words March Goals with a sky background
Image created by the author in Canva

This year has been the most stressful start to a year I can remember!

The day job has been stressful, my health hasn’t been good, and a family member has been given a terminal diagnosis. There’s been a lot happening in every area of my life.

So, my focus hasn’t been on writing or creating anything.

But I’m desperate to get back to my side hustles and a bit of normality.

Writing and designing have fed the creative part of my soul in a way that nothing else has!

Whenever I think about sitting down to write or create, I feel hopeful about the potential and the possibilities of the future.

Writing Goal 1: No Big Book Goals

Ideally, I’d like to finish my book this month. I have two in progress, but just one finished would be perfect.

That’s not going to happen!

Realistically, I could get a few chapters done, some planning and editing and maybe some promotional written material.

I don’t think I have it in me to finish a whole book.



Sarah Minnis
Money Min

I write about side hustles, productivity and creativity whilst trying to live an eco-friendly and happy life. I love learning new crafts, words and skills!