Money Moves: To Infinity & Beyond!

Meera Clark
Money Moves with Meera
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3 min readJan 15, 2021

Why you should reclaim control of your finances & how I can help.

First and foremost, WELCOME 💸💸 I’m Meera and I truly appreciate the digital drop by!

Now that we’re past the niceties, let’s get down to business. We have a problem when it comes to our finances. Today, 73% of Americans rank their finances as their #1 stress in life and 40% go so far as to say that consistent money management limits the extent to which they can enjoy their day-to-day life. As usual, younger generations are bearing the brunt of it. Nearly 2 in 3 millennials feel like they’re doing worse financially compared to their parents’ generation and only 38% feel financially stable. And women, in many ways, are even further behind, reporting 15% lower confidence than their male counterparts in their financial decision making and investment acumen. With costs, complexities and the associated anxieties on the rise, the financial fire alarm is pleading with us to take action…before it’s too late.

As news pundits, policy makers and venture capitalists collectively proclaimed that the 2020 pandemic will forever change our approach to our health, it is my hope that such a proactive value-based approach can extend to the *health of our wealth*. 💚 Too many of us GenZennials have historically left our money management to the M’s to figure out for us (yes, that’s a man, our moms or the Man up above). Many of us consider it a chore, and have left meaningful money on the table as a result. Now is the time for us (cough cough that includes you) to reclaim control of our finances, which starts with education. This blog is for your siblings, your seventh grade besties, your college roommates, your colleagues and, most importantly, YOU.

So why me? Because I’m one of you. Don’t let my Stanford degree, time on the Morgan Stanley trading floor, or current role as a professional investor fool you, I got my first credit card at 23 (special shout-out to the roommate that forced this upon me), signed up for my second credit card at 26 (fun fact: this does not actually mean that you’re in debt), and opened my first online brokerage accounts only shortly thereafter (okay, a brief expression of gratitude for the boyfriend emeritus that made this suggestion). For too long, I let myself believe that by simply saving I would be financially secure. Without those distractions in quarantine, I’ve been fortunate to confront the fact that by more effectively managing my finances, I can aim to not only survive but, in fact, thrive. With this newfound knowledge (which, fortunately, continues to grow), I now aspire to empathetically educate in hopes of positioning you for the same shots on goal.

Okay, now where do we start?! Based on your incredibly valuable feedback (which truly made my heart flutter), I am committing to covering the following 5 topics over the course of the next 5 months. At that point, we can DTR and decide whether it makes sense to commit to more 😉

  1. A Crash Course in Credit: Why It Matters & What to Do About It
  2. Reaching for Retirement: From 401(k)s to IRAs
  3. Portfolio Products Pt. 1: Stocks, Bonds and Bitcoin…Oh My!
  4. Portfolio Products Pt. 2: Betting on Bots…and Why You Should (Maybe) Automate Your Asset Management
  5. Invest in Your Nest: Should Home Ownership Be Your American Dream?

You are not behind and you are not alone. I’m here for you, your friends, your family and your financials, so my inbox is always open. Connect with me via email at or find me on Twitter @itsmeeraclark. Cheers to a healthy and wealthy 2021!! Now let’s do this 💪🏾

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Meera Clark
Money Moves with Meera

Empowering consumers and prosumers to live their best lives @ Redpoint • Previously, Obvious x Morgan Stanley x Stanford • Reach me @itsmeeraclark on Twitter