I Made 84 YouTube Videos in 21 Days. The Results Are Surprising…

My quest to monetize a new YouTube channel in 30 days

Frankie Calkins
Money Resolution


Photo by Sirisvisual on Unsplash

My New Year’s resolution is to create 12 new passive income streams in 30-day challenge sprints starting with a new YouTube channel. This is my 3rd weekly update, detailing my progress.

After 21 days on YouTube, here are my month-to-date results:


I’m very proud to say I have exceeded my original plan of posting 3 Shorts a day. I have posted 4 YouTube Shorts daily for 21 straight days.

My secret productivity hack: batch your production. I had one recording session of 15 videos and I recently sat down and filmed 25(!) videos at once.

Filming is actually the easy part. Brainstorming ideas and writing is the challenge. After writing 5,000 words for these videos, it took me less than an hour to film it all.



I’m about to cross 50,000 views, which is awesome. On my main channel, I have 1.2 million views in 4 years. I’ve done almost 5% of that in just 3 weeks.

I’m especially excited about the fact that I’ve achieved 1,000 or more views every day so far this month since starting this…



Frankie Calkins
Money Resolution

M. Ed. Seattle, WA. Marketing Director by day. Personal finance YouTuber, author & course creator by night. Find my books on Amazon: https://amzn.to/40cHWW9