Is email marketing dead in 2019?

Rachelle C Davis
money talk
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2019
Used with permission from Pixabay.

Calling something “dead” is a great attention getter right now.

“Romance is dead.”
“Chivalry is dead.”
“Twitter is dead.”
“TV is dead.”
“God is dead.”
“Nietzsche is dead.”

I even read an email with the subject line “Marketing is dead” last month.

Marketing is dead! What a hilarious assertion.

Traditional marketing is less effective.

Is it possible for marketing to die as long as humans exist?

The need to spread awareness of a message…to influence an end user to take a direct action…I’m not sure how that could ever die until we do.

Let me ask you this…do you open emails?

Do you receive any emails you enjoy reading?

Have you purchased from an email that had a good deal or announced an event you wanted to go to?

Then, my friend, email marketing is not dead.

Current state of email:

  • Email is the largest online platform with “3.832 billion email users worldwide who send and receive about 281 billion emails per day.” Facebook doesn’t even come close. (Source: Radicatti Group)
  • For every $1 you spend on email marketing, the average amount you make back is $32.28: “DMA research puts the ROI of email marketing in 2018 at US$ 32.28, better than any other direct marketing channel and up from 30.03 the year before.” (Source: DMA UK “Marketer email tracker 2018”)

The future of email:

  • Email grew the biggest among Gen Z between 2014–2017: “Even as monthly Snapchat usage among 12–17-year-olds jumped from 39% in 2014 to 67% in 2017, email adoption grew from 69% to 82% over the same period.” (Source: Forrester Analytics “Email Marketing Forecast, 2018 To 2023”)
  • What are you waiting for? “The worldwide market for email marketing will reach US $22.16 Bn in 2025. The industry has an expected annual growth rate of 19.60%.” (Source: Transparency market research “Email Marketing Global Industry Analysis” — 2017)

I’m ok with people thinking that email is dead.

Less competition for me.




Rachelle C Davis
money talk

Hi it’s me, your new favorite copywriter. I've built a 34k+ TikTok following as the Side Hustle Guinea Pig. I work with some of the best marketers in the world.